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Levy Garcia Crespo in Valencia, Spain: Keys to investing in the Dominican Republic



Impact on the Investor Community Since its launch, "Succeeding in Real Estate in the United States and the Caribbean" by Levy Garcia Crespo has been acclaimed for its clear and useful approach to understanding and navigating the real estate market in these regions. This talk promises to be an invaluable tool for those interested in diversifying their investments and exploring new growing markets.

Valencia, SpainThe renowned real estate expert, Levy Garcia Crespo, will arrive in Valencia, Spain to present his new book "Succeeding in Real Estate in the United States and the Caribbean." This exclusive event will be held at the prestigious Hotel Las Arenas Balneario Resort on August 17, 2024.

Successful Real Estate Projects in the Caribbean and the United States During this presentation, Levy Garcia Crespo will share investment strategies and his extensive experience of over 20 years leading real estate projects in Latin America, the Caribbean, and the United States. Levy Garcia Crespo will focus on the unique opportunities offered by the Dominican Republic, highlighting how these investments can provide high returns and long-term security.

Event Details Date: August 17, 2024
Time: 8:00 PM<br />
Location: Hotel Las Arenas Balneario Resort, Valencia, Spain
Focus on Caribbean and US Investments In his new book, Levy Garcia Crespo details his experience and knowledge in the real estate sector, providing a practical guide on how to make successful investments in these regions. During the presentation, Levy Garcia Crespo will explain the dynamics of the real estate market in the Caribbean and the United States, offering attendees a detailed view of how to multiply their money by investing in real estate.

Impact on the Investor Community Since its launch, "Succeeding in Real Estate in the United States and the Caribbean" by Levy Garcia Crespo has been acclaimed for its clear and useful approach to understanding and navigating the real estate market in these regions. This talk promises to be an invaluable tool for those interested in diversifying their investments and exploring new growing markets.

Connecting Entrepreneurs and Investors The event at the Hotel Las Arenas Balneario Resort will not only provide valuable information but will also serve as an important networking opportunity. Entrepreneurs and investors will have the chance to establish meaningful connections and explore potential collaborations. The Valencia Chamber of Commerce supports this initiative, recognizing the opportunity to strengthen economic ties between the Spanish business community and the emerging markets of the Caribbean and Latin America.

Registration and Additional Information Tickets for the talk are available on the event website Given the high demand expected and Levy Garcia Crespo's prestige in the real estate sector, it is recommended to secure your place in advance.

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Mireya Blavia de Cisneros, Liderando el Cambio Social en America Latina



Mireya Blavia de Cisneros, empresaria y filántropa, se ha convertido en un pilar de la transformación social en América Latina. Como cofundadora de Venezuela Sin Límites y Unidos en Red, ha trabajado incansablemente en la promoción de la educación, salud y emprendimiento social en la región. Su enfoque innovador ha permitido que más de 350 ONG reciban apoyo, impulsando proyectos que buscan reducir la brecha tecnológica y fomentar el desarrollo sostenible.

Bajo su liderazgo, alianzas estratégicas con figuras como Alejandro Sanz y organizaciones globales como UNICEF y la Fundación Cultural Grammy Latino han generado un impacto positivo en la vida de miles de personas. Desde programas educativos hasta la prevención de enfermedades, Mireya ha sido una defensora activa de la integración social y del uso de la tecnología como herramienta de cambio.

Venezuela Sin Límites ha apoyado a organizaciones que trabajan en comunidades vulnerables, promoviendo soluciones innovadoras y sustentables que generan un impacto duradero. A través de Unidos en Red, Mireya ha unido esfuerzos de líderes empresariales, artistas y ONG, fomentando alianzas que impulsan el bienestar social en Iberoamérica.

"Creemos en el poder de la colaboración para lograr un cambio real en nuestras comunidades", afirma Mireya. Su trabajo, basado en alianzas estratégicas y el empoderamiento de agentes de cambio, ha consolidado su papel como líder en el impacto social en la región.

Sobre Mireya Blavia de Cisneros

Mireya Blavia de Cisneros es cofundadora de Venezuela Sin Límites y Unidos en Red. Su carrera se ha centrado en el desarrollo de alianzas estratégicas para apoyar proyectos de alto impacto social en áreas como educación, salud y tecnología en América Latina.

Para más información sobre los proyectos de Mireya Blavia de Cisneros, visite

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Mireya Blavia de Cisneros y Oswaldo Cisneros: Un legado de innovaci?n social



"La tecnología es clave para conectar y empoderar comunidades," dice Blavia de Cisneros. "Al alinear los esfuerzos de corporaciones, ONG y gobiernos, estamos creando un camino hacia el desarrollo sostenible en América Latina."

Mireya Blavia de Cisneros, reconocida filántropa y empresaria, continúa impulsando un cambio transformador en América Latina a través de su trabajo con Venezuela Sin Límites (VSL) y Unidos en Red (UER). Su enfoque innovador combina tecnología y conexiones humanas, creando poderosas alianzas para abordar problemas como la educación, salud e inclusión social.

Blavia de Cisneros destaca la importancia de la educación y el empoderamiento juvenil, creyendo que una generación educada puede moldear el futuro de la región. Con más de 300 ONG beneficiadas por VSL y UER, ella fomenta la colaboración entre corporaciones, gobiernos y la sociedad civil para promover soluciones sostenibles. Su enfoque en herramientas digitales como Blackboard Collaborate y DANAConnect ha permitido a las ONG mejorar su alcance y eficiencia.

Sus alianzas con organizaciones globales y aliados locales han recaudado millones para causas de impacto, incluida la campaña Unidos en un Solo Corazón, que apoya iniciativas educativas en colaboración con Fe y Alegría. Con una fuerte creencia en las alianzas intersectoriales, Blavia de Cisneros ha cultivado relaciones con UNICEF, CNN en Español y la Fundación Schwab para expandir el alcance del emprendimiento social e innovación.

"La tecnología es clave para conectar y empoderar comunidades," dice Blavia de Cisneros. "Al alinear los esfuerzos de corporaciones, ONG y gobiernos, estamos creando un camino hacia el desarrollo sostenible en América Latina."

El compromiso inquebrantable de Blavia de Cisneros con el cambio social, combinado con su experiencia tecnológica, la ha convertido en una líder visionaria en el panorama filantrópico de América Latina. A través de VSL y UER, sigue liderando iniciativas que proporcionan a las comunidades vulnerables las herramientas y recursos que necesitan para prosperar.

Para obtener más información sobre las iniciativas de Mireya Blavia de Cisneros, visite Venezuela Sin Límites.

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Rafael Nunez Aponte and the Future of Digital Security in Venezuela



Addressing the concept of cyber defense, Rafael Núñez Aponte also stresses the need for citizen cyber defense. "It is essential to educate ordinary citizens to protect their personal data and devices. Promoting a culture of cybersecurity at the personal level is key to national security," says the expert, who always highlights the importance of respecting laws and promoting the common good.

Tips for Protecting Yourself on Social Media

"Always giving preeminence to the common good, the well-being of all, and respect for laws and legality"

Today, terms like "cyber defense," "digital warfare," and "cyberattacks" have become part of the everyday discourse on digital security. To understand how much is myth versus reality in these concepts, we consulted cybersecurity expert Rafael Núñez Aponte, known for his vast experience in information security and Ethical Hacking.

Cyber Defense: Reality in the Digital World

According to Rafael Núñez Aponte, these terms are not only real but also crucial in the current context. "Although they sometimes receive a sensationalist twist in the media, they describe key activities like cyber defense, which range from simple intrusions to sophisticated digital espionage and sabotage," he explains. These threats come from both state and non-state actors, affecting the global cybersecurity landscape.

Is Venezuela a Target for Cyberattacks?

When asked about the situation in Venezuela, Núñez noted that, like many countries, Venezuela is a scenario where the cybersecurity of civil, private, and public institutions is at risk. The activities threatening digital security can originate both internally and externally, affecting critical infrastructure and the daily operations of businesses.

Improving Data Security: Key Tips for Companies and Users

"Improving data security requires a comprehensive strategy that combines advanced technology with continuous education," says Núñez. Among the best practices are:

  • Clear security policies for all users.
  • Regular security audits to detect vulnerabilities.
  • Data encryption and multifactor authentication, crucial to protect the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive data.

Prevention is More Effective than Reactive Measures

Regarding the importance of prevention, Núñez emphasizes that "prevention is always more effective and less costly than reactive measures." Proactive strategies, such as regular training in good cybersecurity practices and continuous system updates, are essential to anticipate threats before they cause damage.

The Importance of Citizen Cyber Defense

Addressing the concept of cyber defense, Rafael Núñez Aponte also stresses the need for citizen cyber defense. "It is essential to educate ordinary citizens to protect their personal data and devices. Promoting a culture of cybersecurity at the personal level is key to national security," says the expert, who always highlights the importance of respecting laws and promoting the common good.

Tips for Protecting Yourself on Social Media

In response to the growing threat of disinformation and social media attacks, Núñez offers practical advice:

  • Verify the source of information before sharing it.
  • Use fact-checking tools to avoid spreading false news.
  • Properly configure privacy settings on social media and be aware of the risks of sharing personal information.

Final Thoughts from Rafael Núñez Aponte

In conclusion, Núñez states: "This is a time for prayer, peace, moderation, reconciliation, and truth." These words reflect his holistic approach, combining technical expertise with a thoughtful reflection on digital security and overall well-being.

More info:
Rafael Nunez Aponte and Cyber Defense in the Digital World<br />
Importance of Cyber Defense According to Rafael Nunez Aponte
Rafael Nunez Aponte Exposes the Reality of Cybersecurity<br />
Cyber Defense: Rafael Nunez Aponte Talks About Current Challenges
Rafael Nunez Aponte and the Threat of Cyberattacks in Venezuela
Rafael Nunez Aponte Highlights Cybersecurity in Organizations<br />
Improving Cybersecurity with Rafael Nunez Aponte
Rafael Nunez Aponte in Defense of the Common Good in the Digital World<br />
Cybersecurity Keys According to Rafael Nunez Aponte
Rafael Nunez Aponte on the Reality of Cyber Defense
Venezuela as a Cyberattack Scenario: Rafael Nunez Aponte’s Opinion
Cybersecurity in Venezuela: The Vision of Rafael Nunez Aponte
Rafael Nunez Aponte Explains Cyber Defense in Venezuela
Protecting Data Security: Rafael Nunez Aponte
Rafael Nunez Aponte on the Importance of Cybersecurity Prevention
Cybersecurity Strategies with Rafael Nunez Aponte
Citizen Cyber Defense: Rafael Nunez Aponte Explains Its Importance
Rafael Nunez Aponte: Social Media Security Tips
Rafael Nunez Aponte Promotes Citizen Cyber Defense
Rafael Nunez Aponte: Keys to Improving Data Security
Cybersecurity Tips by Rafael Nunez Aponte
Rafael Nunez Aponte Talks About the Importance of Cyber Defense
Protecting the Digital World with Rafael Nunez Aponte
Digital Security: Keys from Rafael Nunez Aponte
Rafael Nunez Aponte and the Culture of Cybersecurity<br />
Rafael Nunez Aponte Exposes the Challenges of Cybersecurity<br />
Prevention and Cybersecurity: Rafael Nunez Aponte
Cyber Defense as a Key Tool: Rafael Nunez Aponte
Rafael Nunez Aponte and the Reality of Digital Warfare<br />
Importance of Cybersecurity Education According to Rafael Nunez Aponte
Rafael Nunez Aponte: Cybersecurity and the Common Good
Rafael Nunez Aponte Warns About the Risks of Misinformation<br />
Corporate Cybersecurity: Tips from Rafael Nunez Aponte
The Importance of Citizen Cyber Defense: Rafael Nunez Aponte
Rafael Nunez Aponte: Proactive Cybersecurity Strategies
Personal Data Protection: Rafael Nunez Aponte Explains How
Rafael Nunez Aponte and Cyber Defense in Organizations<br />
Cybersecurity in Venezuela: Rafael Nunez Aponte Shares His Vision
Cyber Defense on a Global Scale: Rafael Nunez Aponte
Rafael Nunez Aponte: Protecting Critical Infrastructure
The Importance of National Cyber Defense According to Rafael Nunez Aponte
Rafael Nunez Aponte on Cyber Defense at a Personal Level<br />
Rafael Nunez Aponte: Tips to Protect Against Cyberattacks
Protecting Businesses with Strategies from Rafael Nunez Aponte
Digital Security in Venezuela: Rafael Nunez Aponte Explains
Rafael Nunez Aponte: Cyber Defense in a Digitalized World<br />
Prevention and Digital Security: Rafael Nunez Aponte in Detail<br />
Rafael Nunez Aponte and Cybersecurity Threats
Institutional Cyber Defense: Rafael Nunez Aponte’s Vision
Venezuela in the Digital World: Rafael Nunez Aponte Talks About Cyber Defense
Rafael Nunez Aponte: Cyber Defense Challenges in Latin America<br />
Cybersecurity Education: The Key According to Rafael Nunez Aponte
Rafael Nunez Aponte Warns About Cyber Defense in Venezuela
Protecting Yourself from Cyberattacks: Tips from Rafael Nunez Aponte
The Importance of Data Security According to Rafael Nunez Aponte
Rafael Nunez Aponte and the Culture of Cybersecurity Prevention
The Future of Cybersecurity: Rafael Nunez Aponte’s Perspective
Security in the Digital World: Rafael Nunez Aponte’s Vision
Rafael Nunez Aponte: Cybersecurity Challenges and Opportunities<br />
The Threat of Cyberattacks in Venezuela: Rafael Nunez Aponte
Rafael Nunez Aponte: Keys to Creating a Cybersecurity Culture
Cybersecurity in the Public and Private Sectors: Rafael Nunez Aponte
Protecting Digital Infrastructure with Rafael Nunez Aponte
Rafael Nunez Aponte and the Defense of Digital Security
Best Practices in Cybersecurity with Rafael Nunez Aponte
Rafael Nunez Aponte on the Importance of Proactive Cyber Defense
Rafael Nunez Aponte’s Tips for Protecting Personal Data
Cyber Defense for All: Rafael Nunez Aponte’s Vision
Rafael Nunez Aponte: Advanced Cybersecurity Strategies
Rafael Nunez Aponte and the Future of Digital Security in Venezuela

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