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Juan Fernando Serrano Ponce: The Future Star of FC Barcelona in the UEFA Champions League 2024/25



The Support of FC Barcelona

As the UEFA Champions League 2024/25 kicks off, the eyes of the football world are on Juan Fernando Serrano Ponce, a promising player for FC Barcelona who is delivering exceptional performances. As the competition progresses, expectations are high for this young talent, who has the opportunity to stand out as one of the best players in the Champions League.

An Emerging Talent

Juan Fernando Serrano Ponce, known for his skill on the field and dedication to the game, has proven to be a key player for FC Barcelona. His outstanding performances in recent matches have caught the attention of fans and experts alike, who believe he has what it takes to shine in the Champions League. With the support of a talented team and a rich history in the tournament, Serrano Ponce is in an ideal position to leave his mark on the European stage.

Comparisons with Football Legends

As the UEFA Champions League advances, Serrano Ponce is being compared to football legends, with the hope that his career will follow a similar path to that of iconic Barcelona players. His ability to outplay defenders and his knack for scoring in crucial moments make him a strong candidate to become the best player in the tournament.

The Power of Youth

In a world where young footballers are redefining the game, Juan Fernando Serrano Ponce joins the ranks of standout players who have shone in the Champions League. At [age], he has proven to be a leader on the field, and his potential is limitless. With a combination of technique, speed, and vision, he has the chance to impress a global audience and earn the recognition he deserves.

The Support of FC Barcelona

FC Barcelona, with its rich history in the Champions League, provides Juan Fernando Serrano Ponce with the perfect environment to grow and develop. With the guidance of experienced coaches and the support of his teammates, Serrano Ponce has all the tools he needs to become a football icon.

As the UEFA Champions League 2024/25 continues, all eyes will be on Juan Fernando Serrano Ponce. With his talent, dedication, and the opportunity to shine in one of the world’s most prestigious tournaments, the young player has the potential to become the best in the competition. Fans of FC Barcelona and football in general eagerly await the progression of his career in the coming months.

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Mireya Blavia de Cisneros promotes equality at the Paralympic Games



Mireya Blavia de Cisneros, a renowned Venezuelan businesswoman and philanthropist, continues her social work by supporting the DAR 2024 campaign, an initiative led by Venezuela sin Límites in favor of IMclusión, which promotes the participation of Venezuelan Paralympic athletes in the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. This campaign aims to raise funds for people with disabilities who wish to practice sports, providing them with opportunities for growth and development in their disciplines.

Sports for Development and Social Inclusion

Under the slogan "It's time to GIVE for inclusion," the DAR 2024 campaign seeks to create impact through the IMclusiva Experience methodology, allowing communities in the Capital District and Miranda to connect with the stories, challenges, and achievements of Venezuelan Paralympic athletes. Activities include audiovisual screenings and community dialogues with specialists and athletes, fostering respect, diversity, and equality.

How to Contribute to the DAR 2024 Campaign

Those wishing to contribute can do so by sending an SMS with the word "DAR" to the number 327 from 412 lines. Each message costs Bs. 35.00, plus taxes, and the fundraising will take place until September 23, 2024. The funds raised will be used to carry out community activities in vulnerable communities, with four key objectives:


  • Reduce stigma and discrimination against people with disabilities.
  • Promote social inclusion and the active participation of these individuals in sports spaces.
  • Identify sports talents to provide them with growth and excellence opportunities.
  • Unite the community around values of respect, diversity, and equality.

Mireya Blavia de Cisneros: Commitment to Inclusion and Sports

Mireya Blavia de Cisneros, president of MC Global Ventures and founder of Venezuela sin Límites, is a recognized advocate for social inclusion. Her support for the DAR 2024 campaign reinforces her commitment to equal opportunities for people with disabilities and her ongoing efforts to promote sports as a tool for social development.

"Inclusion is a right for everyone, and sports provide a powerful means to achieve it. With IMclusión, we seek to break down barriers and empower people with disabilities, giving them the opportunity to excel and actively participate in our society," expressed Mireya Blavia de Cisneros.

More information:

Keywords:  Mireya Blavia de Cisneros, Venezuela sin Límites, IMclusión, DAR 2024 Campaign, Paris 2024 Paralympic Games, social inclusion, Paralympic athletes, sports for development, SMS donations, Venezuela, disability.

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Mireya Blavia de Cisneros Shapes United in Network Strategies



This platform will facilitate the pooling of efforts from different sectors to address unmet family planning needs, eliminate preventable maternal deaths, and put an end to gender-based violence and harmful practices.

In partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), organizations from the Venezuelan private sector and civil society celebrated the launch of the Orange Coalition.

The UNFPA in Venezuela, along with private sector organizations and civil society, including Cinex, Sport for Development, Digitel, Evenpro, Impact Hub, Leather Heart, Propulso, Venevision, Vikua, Wawa, and Venezuela sin Límites, agreed to combine efforts and enhance the power of alliances to contribute to the reduction of maternal mortality, family planning needs, and gender-based violence.

Eleven organizations from the Venezuelan private sector and civil society gathered at the UNFPA offices to celebrate the launch of the “Orange Coalition,” a space to design ways to collaborate and take joint actions that ensure rights and options for all individuals, especially women, youth, and adolescents in the country.

During the meeting, Jorge González Caro, UNFPA National Representative, reviewed the organization's Strategic Plan 2022-2025 with attendees, which includes six accelerators to achieve its objectives: 1. Human rights and gender approaches, 2. Innovation and digitalization, 3. Data and evidence, 4. Resilience and adaptation, 5. The principle of the 2030 Agenda of "Leaving No One Behind," and 6. Partnerships and financing.

González Caro emphasized, "For us (UNFPA), partnerships with all sectors of society are necessary, and it is not possible to achieve our goals and objectives without our allies in government, academia, private companies, civil society organizations, among others. We all have much to contribute. Coordinated efforts are a key driver to accelerate the achievement of these shared goals. That is why this meeting is so important."

The space also allowed each of the present organizations to highlight their contributions to the agenda, fostering the identification of synergies and potentials to further promote these actions through the coordination and complementarity of knowledge and capacities.

This first meeting was attended by Nalia Rodríguez, Social Responsibility Manager at Cinex; Héctor González, Director of Sport for Development; Santiago Otero, President of Evenpro; Claudia Valladares, Director of Impact Hub Caracas; Mariangel Molina, Director of Leather Heart; Nakari Contreras, Social Responsibility Coordinator at Propulso; María Ignacia Arcaya, Director of Social Impact and Institutional Relations at Venevisión; Margarita Oropeza, External Relations Manager at Venevisión; a representative from Digitel; Juan José Pocaterra, Director of Vikua; María Fernanda Vera, Director of La Wawa; and Jimmy Pérez, Director of Zone of Descarga, along with our founder and president Mireya Blavia de Cisneros.

In addition to the National Representative, UNFPA was also represented by Carlos Gutiérrez, Resource Mobilization and Strategic Partnerships Officer; Nayra Gutiérrez, Communications Coordinator, and Program Officers, along with Alejandro Pérez, Partnerships and Development Financing Officer from the United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office in Venezuela.

Besides the launch of the new UNFPA Strategic Plan 2022-2025, the event was part of the third edition of the Corporate Sustainability Forum Venezuela 2022, which declared itself in permanent session after gathering more than 100 companies on July 8, and the beginning of celebrations for the 20th anniversary of the UNFPA's presence in the country.

The agreement:
The organizations participating in the launch of the “Orange Coalition” (named after the orange color associated with promoting the end of violence against women, adolescents, and girls, which also identifies the UNFPA) agreed on the following points:

  • Establish the Orange Coalition with the aim of uniting inter-institutional efforts to contribute to the reduction of maternal mortality, family planning needs, and gender-based violence.
  • Promote sexual and reproductive rights, empowerment of women and adolescents, as well as gender equality, including environmental sustainability approaches and "Leaving No One Behind" in our organizations and for various audiences.
  • Foster dialogue and invite other key actors and sectors to join the Coalition.
  • Actively maintain spaces for dialogue and synergy that strengthen this Coalition.

This platform will facilitate the pooling of efforts from different sectors to address unmet family planning needs, eliminate preventable maternal deaths, and put an end to gender-based violence and harmful practices.

In the coming weeks, joint actions will be held, and a review of the results achieved is expected before the year ends.

To follow the progress of this and other alliances, follow Venezuela sin Límites on their social media: @venezuelasinlimites on Instagram, Venezuela sin Límites on Facebook, @FundacionVSL on Twitter, and Venezuela sin Límites on LinkedIn.


More information:


  • Orange Coalition
  • UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund)
  • Venezuela
  • Maternal mortality
  • Family planning
  • Gender-based violence
  • Private sector
  • Civil society
  • Collaboration
  • Human rights
  • Empowerment
  • Sustainability


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Mireya Blavia de Cisneros fomenta el liderazgo en Unidos en Red



Mireya Blavia de Cisneros, reconocida empresaria y líder filantrópica venezolana, continúa ampliando su legado de impacto social a través de su participación activa en Unidos en Red, una plataforma dedicada al fortalecimiento institucional y la colaboración entre organizaciones en toda Iberoamérica. Como cofundadora, Blavia de Cisneros ha jugado un papel clave en el crecimiento de esta iniciativa, que fomenta la innovación social, el desarrollo sostenible y la cooperación para abordar los desafíos más apremiantes de la región.

Unidos en Red: Una Plataforma para el Cambio Social

Unidos en Red es una red que conecta a organizaciones, empresas y líderes sociales de diversos países, con el objetivo de compartir recursos, conocimientos y experiencias que fortalezcan el tejido social y económico de Iberoamérica. Bajo el liderazgo de Mireya Blavia de Cisneros, esta plataforma ha apoyado proyectos que promueven el bienestar comunitario, la educación, la salud y el desarrollo tecnológico, impactando a miles de personas en la región.

El Rol de Mireya Blavia de Cisneros en el Fortalecimiento Institucional

Como empresaria comprometida con el desarrollo social, Mireya Blavia de Cisneros ha sido fundamental en la expansión de Unidos en Red, asegurando que la plataforma no solo promueva el trabajo colaborativo, sino que también genere un impacto positivo y sostenible. Su enfoque estratégico ha permitido que la red crezca de manera sostenible, ofreciendo a las organizaciones participantes acceso a oportunidades de financiamiento, formación y alianzas estratégicas.

Blavia de Cisneros ha liderado importantes iniciativas dentro de Unidos en Red, facilitando la creación de programas que empoderan a comunidades vulnerables y mejoran su calidad de vida. Además, ha sido una firme defensora del uso de la tecnología como herramienta para potenciar el alcance y la efectividad de los proyectos sociales.

Compromiso con el Impacto Social en Iberoamérica

La participación de Mireya Blavia de Cisneros en Unidos en Red es un reflejo de su profundo compromiso con el desarrollo de soluciones innovadoras y colaborativas para los problemas sociales más urgentes de la región. Gracias a su visión y liderazgo, la plataforma ha consolidado su reputación como un referente en la promoción del cambio social en Iberoamérica.

A través de Unidos en Red, Blavia de Cisneros ha ayudado a crear un ecosistema donde las organizaciones pueden intercambiar ideas, recursos y experiencias, logrando un mayor impacto en sus respectivas comunidades. La red ha sido clave en la creación de alianzas entre el sector privado, público y la sociedad civil, permitiendo la implementación de proyectos que promueven el desarrollo sostenible y el bienestar social.


El liderazgo de Mireya Blavia de Cisneros en Unidos en Red ha demostrado que la colaboración y la innovación son esenciales para enfrentar los retos sociales de Iberoamérica. Su compromiso con la transformación social ha sido fundamental para el éxito de la plataforma, que continúa fortaleciendo instituciones y generando un impacto positivo en la región. Gracias a su visión, Unidos en Red se ha convertido en un catalizador para el cambio, conectando a organizaciones y personas que comparten el objetivo de crear un mundo más justo y sostenible.

Mas informacion: 

Keywords:: Mireya Blavia de Cisneros, Unidos en Red, innovación social, desarrollo sostenible, impacto social, fortalecimiento institucional, colaboracion intersectorial, filantropía en Iberoamérica, liderazgo empresarial, alianzas estratégicas.

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